Loneliness - it affects 9/10 people everyday. ( I actually just made up that stat.)
But it is a serious issue for some people, myself included.
But it is a serious issue for some people, myself included.
I have just moved to a new city, a new university, and a new life experience. This change has challenged me already and its just been over a month. I had to take a good hard look at myself the other day - after wondering why I've been feeling so unfulfilled and lonely; I realised that I assume people will make the first move. 4/10 times - someone will. (Another made up stat) But, what about that 60% of the time when no one comes up to talk to you? My first reaction is to dive into my purse and fish out my phone so that I can seek comfort in my Facebook "friendships" thinking " Well, if no one cares in real life I'll just Facebook creep everyone else's lives until I get a message or a like or... something!!!!".....AHHHHH..... what is happening to...society!? (Talking to myself now) Get your face off of your phone and take a second to realise that you are in a room full of real people and it wouldn't hurt you to make conversation with...someone...anyone! Life is outside of your comfort zone.
My mother is full of good advice and she has told me for years now to "be an interviewer" when on a date, meeting new people, talking with old or new friends... because people love to talk about themselves. I had forgotten about this skill, until a few days ago when my mother kindly reminded me to pour into people instead of waiting to be filled yourself. Aka. Put energy into getting to know someone else and often that energy will be given back. The effort you put in will be what you get out of it.
I put this tactic to the test, and "interviewed" someone new, and it was extremely rewarding. I had a real genuine conversation and learn more about a new colleague.
We've (I've) become so complacent and lazy with real friendships and have relied heavily on social media to cover me during awkward silences/moments/boredom. But what would happen if those silences became non-existent and we filled then instead with genuine questions about another persons day or life? I bet you our society would become less self-obsessed and more community and relationship driven. Just a challenge ya'll out there, (and to myself) next time you find yourself about to flip through Facebook on you iPhone try hunting for someone to strike up a good conversation with. It is as simple as, "How was your day?" I truly think that if we can curb our constant craving for a social media fix and invest that time and energy into other people, we will be a happier, healthier society.
Happy Conversing.