- 1.an amount of space between two things or people.There is a province between us. 1305.7 km, 15 hours of driving, a 2 hour flight, or a 263 hour walk. There is too much space. What this all equates to is a chasm that can't be filled, only remedied with FaceTime. This expanse also becomes a breeding ground for miscommunication and frustration, that doesn't often exist under normal circumstances. This is important to recognize.I am a firm believer in that anything worth while does not come easy so, the challenge of a long distance relationship lines up with this philosophy for life. By choosing to look at this time of separation as a training ground, and an opportunity to earn our stripes, we are able to figuring each other out from a new perspective, however unwanted it is.
- 2.the full length of a race.A relationship is a bit like a race, dating is training it is figuring if you have it in you to run a "marathon" with this person, it is an challenge but also is preparation for the real deal. Once the race begins on that big day its about team work, support, encouragement and choosing to not give up on each other.This distance I currently find myself is preparation, and fully relatable to the real meal deal.
- 1.make (someone or something) far off or remote in position or nature.The struggle with a long distance relationship is trying to find that closeness despite the daunting separation.Moral of the story is long distance sucks. It isn't fun being apart from your best friend. But there is merit in it, the challenge will strengthen the relationship and the time spent a part will establish endurance.
So go team!