I joined forces with my sister and her husband to tear up the slops of our local mountain. I haven't been on a snowboard in years so I was relieved to discover that my body still knew how to manage a board and the snowy hills. The experience, though freezing cold, was one I wouldn't trade. That day I not only was comforted to know I still had the ability to make it down a mountain in one piece but on a more sensitive note, I saw first hand what love looks like in the form of my newly wedded sister and brother in law.
I watched as my B.I.L patiently taught my sister ways to maneuver the board strapped to her feet. Each time she made achievements he would encourage and cheer her on. He never complained when she asked him to climb back up the hill to push her past the long flat section. He just jumped upwards, board strapped to his feet and willingly helped her.
I realised that love isn't a one size fits all. Which seems like an obvious statement, but for me I assumed it always revealed itself in the same ways for everyone. Love is a unique form of expression for each person, and relationships are a bit like a mathematical equation, each person representing a number and together creating a different sum. Again an obvious statement, but for me these realizations have started to shade in the sketch of the person I am looking for.
Finding the right person I believe is a lot like thrift store shopping. In a sea of unique pieces, and odd items are hidden treasures. Not always what you are looking for exactly but they make you feel great and rewarded. Because really aren't we all wore down or missing a button, stained a little or just a bit outdated? And yet we all have someone out there that will love us in whatever form we are in.
These realizations came to me as my toes defrosted, and the feeling returned to my fingers. I was ill prepared for my trek up the mountain. And if I could do it again, but as a millionaire I would be equipped with.....
CANADA DOWN JACKET and gloves. Uh. This would have made snowboarding that much more fun, and the gloves are like wearing a pillow on your hands. They are Ah.Mazing.
Wool Socks - keeps the toes warm (really important for an enjoyable experience)
A Warm Tuque - frozen ears, not so fun.
Sorrels would have been awesome up the mountain, my rubber hunters just didn't cut it.
and a backpack to put my hand warmers and snack.
Happy Skiing/Snowboarding/Snowshoeing/ Snow watching...?
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