Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Pepperwood Princesses

Like all good things, this chapter of life is coming to an end.  We can try and squeeze every last ounce of goodness out of it, or hold onto it tightly hoping it will never end, but time is beyond our control.   I have been so blessed to live with four amazing roommate, who have become more like sisters to me.  They have been the support system, accountability, best friends, family, mentors, comedic relief, kick in the pants, motivation and inspiration I have needed over the last two years.  

These four little walls of the Pepperwood Palace that shelters these relationships from the elements will be missed.  The inner workings of the house hold include our micro suede super-plush couch that doubles as a great alternate bed when the roommate is especially sick with a cold, or our bookshelves that house millions of words I'll never read but always liked to look at above our electric façade of a fireplace; these things will be missed.  I will miss the piano that has no right to be in the kitchen but there it defiantly sits waiting to share it's luck-lustre sounds with any ear within our unit. The dinner table with accompanying rock-hard chairs, will be missed for no other reason expect that it became our round table. A place where our breakfasts, dinners, discussions, prayers, laughter and silence often would take place.  There we would congregate after a long day and disclose the events of the day to one another.    I would wake up every morning, usually wishing for more sleep, and I would wearily walk myself up the stairs to be greeted by four beautiful and much more awake faces sitting around the table, eating and doing devotions.   I'd half heartedly create a subpar breakfast and join the conversation around our table.   Minutes would pass and then the day would begin, we'd each go our separate ways.  It is the time spent around the table with the Pepperwood Princesses that I will miss the most. 
Pepperwood is filled with pictures, and stories that reflect the various personalities within it:  Pink  chairs from a much earlier era, pictures of Europe, bookshelves filled with classics, Closets where outdoors jackets and hiking shoes wait, a floral box filled with nail polish strategically placed under the coffee table facing the box TV (that doesn't fit on the shelf so it has to sit on the floor.) Potted plants, and cactus dot our home with an essence of a green thumb, (or the desire for one ;) ) music books for the soprano voice, a fridge covered in photos and memorabilia are all things that make up this home.  

As we all move onto bigger and better things, its okay to look back and remember fondly the memories of Pepperwood.   This has been a time of growing and changing. Friendships will remain and will blossom when they are fed and watered.   It is my desire to pursue what isn't easy or readily accessible. These friendships are worth fighting for and have taken root and have shaped who we are today.   Yes, this is the end of a wonderful chapter in life, but it is also a challenge to continue to grow in the friendships established.  This has been a training ground, where we have learned to love one another through encouragement, accountability, being understanding and through support.   Now we get to put into practice these skills on new people that will come into our lives.  

Thank you Pepperwood for two wonderful years and the friendships that were established within your walls.  

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