Sunday, 9 August 2015

You are pure potential

I see hard work and dedication all around me.  I see people that are throwing themselves into things they believe in, things they believe they are capable of or want to rise to the challenge of.   I am inspired daily by friends who are exceeding expectations or taking risks that 98% of the population would be too afraid to take.   I admire this tenacity and desire it for myself.

"The slogans make it seem so simple..."  

Lately I have been inundated with quotes, (#pinterestproblem) that string together words that are designed to inspire and propel people forward.   The slogans make it seem so simple.  But the reality is that it takes daily courage and faith to push oneself past comfortable limits.  

It would seem that nothing is guaranteed in life. The ebbing and flowing of life's challenges begin to shape and change the way we face things.  I view this as something to be thankful for; that we are designed to not be stagnant.  We are ever growing and learning. We can learn to face life with new perspective daily.  In the midst of change, and taking a leap of faith, I cry out for renewed courage and determination everyday.

I am inspired by those around me.   I am in awe of the discipline, desire and drive that people are capable of.   These are all things I believe can be fostered, grown, and developed. Having the faith to find the right circumstances to encourage growth in those areas is likely the biggest challenge.  But every decision, goal, or achievement begins with a small first step.

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