Thursday 14 March 2013

Spring Cleaning

With what has seemed like weeks of rain, the ground is soggy and the air is moist.  The hope of spring is in the air.  The ground is watered and the buds on the trees grow daily, and my restlessness for Sunshine intensifies with each and every morning that I wake up to grey skies.   I long for the days when I can roll out of bed, and be prepared to throw on a sundress and sandals, instead of reaching for my sweaters and rubber boots.  This incubation period between Christmas and spring is the worst of the year in my humble opinion.   Spring is on the horizon, we see it ready to burst, yet day after day winter's dreariness clings on like frost to a window.  The joys of spring go beyond flowers bursting, sun shining, and warmer weather.  Spring also calls in a time of cleansing and reorganisation, ie.  SPRING CLEANING!!!   Out with the old well worn winter sweaters and wellies.   In with the flowy skirts, ankle grazing pastel pants and oh! sandals.   

This time of cleansing of the closet requires a hardness and selective-ness I personally have to muster up all year round.   I tend to be a grade A clothing Hoarder, at least in times past.    My addiction to holding on to clothing came to light after moving out for the first time into a tiny 10X10 rooms with virtually the smallest closet in Canada.    I had to somehow condense my clothing collection of 22 years into a small dresser and the hole-in-the-wall of a closet.    I had to become ruthless and detach myself somehow from my beloved collection.  

It began as a slow and painful process of elimination.   I slowly purge myself of the shirts I had held onto since high school and jeans that wear too small that I cling to in hopes of one days returning to my high school stringbean size.     Believe it or not, this was not as easy as it should be.  
I had to become heartless and I dealt severely with the clothing I had. I ended up being able to bring two garbage bags full to a consignment store, and then gave away the same weight to charity.     

Some Guidelines for the Purging Process:
If it doesn't fit- don't hold on to it... just not worth the closet space.
If you haven't worn it in the last 3 months ( for everyday clothes)  - maybe time to say goodbye.
If you haven't worn it in a year (Semi Formal)  -  it is time. 
If you haven't ever worn it-  either get on that or decided if its worth holding onto. 

If you think you might loose your nerve, invite a friend to help you make well thought out decisions.

This last month I was invited to a clothing swap, where a group of women get together with clothing they'd like to "swap." This ended up being a great way to purge, and trade up. I highly recommend organising this sort of get-together, maybe with a wine and cheese? Wine and shopping, what could be better? In the end any remaining clothes were donated.

Happy Spring Cleaning!

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