Saturday 26 January 2013

It's All Coming Back To Me Now

This last week my roommates and I made an attempt to establish "Diva Week" where each day we'd listen to a different "great." It all started with Celine Dion's "Its all coming back to me now." I am not entirely sure how we stumbled upon this epic music video. If you haven't yet seen this masterpiece I highly recommend taking 5 minutes to watch Celine Dion in all her late 90's glory. The week started off well, with one Celine song after another. Unfortunately our momentum for Diva Week after a night with Celine came to a screaming halt. But the idea wasn't completely to wasted on me. I have enjoyed revisiting music of divas past, like: Diana Ross, Whitney Housten, and Barbra Streisand. These women are power houses, they own what ever they do, be it film, a power ballad, or acting in a Harlequin romance-esque music video. *Celine*cough*Dion*cough

Prepare yourself for some awesome effects, including but not limited to, a ghost man, movie like photos, and a Diva running down a hallway. ( Think this is a standard for most diva music videos, I know Whitney Housten did this in "I wanna run to you." )

A little Diva bonus:

Wednesday 23 January 2013

high notes and pretty dresses

I have been singing since I was knee high to a grasshopper.  What started out as a desire to replicate Christina Aguilera has evolved into a desire to see the full potential of my voice.   I am now a full time music student, a road that hasn't been easy.  It has been full of long hard hours spent in stuffy practise rooms, time toiling over hard musical concepts or my Nemesis [at this point, I'm determined to conquer it] - ear training.   All those hours, the blood sweat and tears are made worth it for two things:  High notes and pretty dresses.  

A singing teacher of mine said that "high notes and pretty dresses" were the reason she pursued her career in singing.    And I think I can relate.  There is probably no other adrenaline rush or excitement like that of singing a beautiful "high note."   Now combine that with an exceptional gown- together they equal an addictive combination.  I don't own a closet full of long gowns, but one day I hope to. A different dress to commemorate a different exciting performance.   

On pinterest I get to anticipate what will be housed in my walk in closet of "one day."  I will have Elie Saab, Vera Wang, Oscar De la Renta, YSL... to name a few.  They'll all hang out in there and be great friends, because I will love them.  I dream of one day having the privilege to wear a gown of such quality and craftsmanship.    Perhaps one day, if I make it big...or win the lottery.   

In the mean time I will enjoy them from a far and dream of one day feeling Italian-blind-monk-hand sewn lace on my body.

dressesEnjoy these GORGEOUS gowns... no lace, but STUNNING SEQUENCE and SEXY SILK.

Happy drooling. 

Saturday 19 January 2013

Cirque Du Soleil and leather pants.

First cup of coffee from Parallel 49
There are two things that are currently on my mind.   Leather pants and Cirque Du Soleil.    Now you may wonder,  "What do these things have in common?"   Well,   nothing really.   EXCEPT that, I wore "leather" pants to see Cirque Du Soleil today!   

I went to the mall on a whim last night and succumbed to my need/desire for "leather" pants...and let me tell you:  It was one of the best $40 I have spent in a long time.   It definitely beat the $50 dollars I spent on trying to apply to university and the $56 dollars I spent to get my transcripts where they needed to be in time for them to be received.    Yes, my $40 "leather" pants were the right dose of retail therapy for me.  With a day full of sensory activities, including experiencing Parallel 49 for the first time today.  (EXCEPTional coffee and the best doughnut I have ever tasted.)    Then a short while later I ate at my favourite restaurant my favorite food (Pretty much anything with cheese that I can put ketchup on qualifies)  and then the piece de resistance, Cirque Du Soleil.    Which in a nutshell - BLEW MY MIND.  I really didn't realise the body could contort in such ways.   It inspired me to continue my yoga classes and made me more determined than ever to conquer "The Splits."   (This has been a life long dream of mine, that I think this year of 2013, I will finally see this happen.)  The show was truly unbelievable.   I will recommend to everyone to see at least once!  
So between my great retail therapy pants, a happy tummy and the awesome experience at the show my day was pretty fantastic.  The sun even decided to show up for a bit.  

My leather pants were a bit of a splurge for me (I am a poor student afterall, who happens to have nice friends that treat her to fun days out)  but, I really think they were a worth while purchase.   They are a piece that can be dressed right up, or dressed right down.   They also have an edge without being studded or have combat boot-ish feel to them, which allows them to become a cameleon piece!   


Happy Saturday!

Tuesday 15 January 2013



a word to describe the efforts of a poor student who desires to let out her inner fashionista despite her financial limitations.   

Here are a few methods of getting around the whole-little to no budget thing:

* Plan a clothing swap.  What better way to expand or change up your wardrobe than to rustle through the closets of friends.  One woman's "old jeans" are another woman's "heck yes! new skinnys."   It is a great place to get rid of the old and replace with something (sort of) new. 

* Get inspired.   There are countless places to find fashinspiration!   Magazines, pinterest ( <3) fashion blogs...go and "people watch" in the city and see different ways of wearing a collared shirt and jeans. Or to refer to a previous post, Carrie Bradshaw always seems to have a hint of  starving student in her clothing choices in the TV show.  Maybe take a page out of her book and put two and two together that normally- well, you just wouldn't. 

* Of course digging through the racks of a thrift store is another place to find new addition for you closet... its always a good idea to get some inspiration before hand of what you want and will look for to make the process a bit easier.   It can be overwhelming walking into a disorganised - looks like a bomb went off 2nd hand store, but if you are armed with a wish list,and hand sanitiser the process can be really enjoyable. 

* Get crafty.   I do not possess a single gene that would enable me to craft anything well.   I just don't have the skills or mental capabilities for that. But some people do...! and there are resources around to aid in the endeavour of recreating something old to make it new.  

Moral of the story is that a lack of funds may mean that the designer duds we really want are a few more weeks, months or years away, but despite that fact fashion can fit any bill, it just takes creativity and maybe a bit of courage.  

my thrifted top and on sale bottoms. 
maybe cost $25?
 happy hunting

Sunday 13 January 2013

Sex and the City

I recently succumbed to my need to watch Sex and the City.  I think this desire was greatly influenced by my lacklustre New Years.  I was inspired by Carrie and Miranda's equally dull festivities in the scene where Carrie rushes across New York City donning a fur coat, PJ's, and high heels to be with her friend for the countdown.   I popped the movie into our turn of the century dvd player, and watched in adoration that was accompanied by a mild form of jealousy for 2 hours the exquisitely compiled collection of clothing Carrie wears through out the film.   I find myself wondering what it would feel like to own a pair of Manolo Blahnik's or a Louis Vuitton purse, or even to have the pleasure of purchasing either from their store.  The style Carrie owns is effortless and chic, it always has something to say, sometimes loudly ( i.e The bird on her head for her wedding) or a bit more modestly (i.e. Her stunning green getup in the scene where, together big and Carrie scope out new apartments.) But regardless of what she is wearing, she manages to look like she knows what she is doing with her sometimes wacky but fashionista style.   I hope to one day have a collection of clothing like hers, and confidence to match.  

A LITTLE FASHION INSPIRATION- maybe a little carrie inspired? 


Monday 7 January 2013


Sunday was grey cloudy and gloomy.  Not a typical day that inspires an adventure, but my roommate and I were not deterred by the weather.  We jumped in the car after church, passports in hand and drove an hour south.   Our destination we knew was quaint but we discovered that it seemed to be lost in time.   It appeared on the surface that little had changed since the first brick was laid.   

Though rain threatened to dampen our afternoon adventure we bravely weaved in and out of stores housed in historical buildings.  We discovered two treasures; a bookstore that was bursting at the seams with literature of all sorts in which we scoured the shelves for hidden gems.  Either the nostalgia of the shop or the feeling of being sandwiched between bookshelves that overflowed onto the floor made me feel as though I were treasure hunting in a sea of literature.   My soul was happy.   We ventured further down the aged street and came to an antique store, with everything from a "trench checker board" to old photographs of nameless faces.  Stored in a way that seemed to lure you in and make you wish for simpler times, the little antique store overflowed much like the bookstore with treasures.   

Our excursion to that little sea port town reminded me that things should and can last.  That there was a different ethic in regard to craftsmanship in days gone by.  These days it seems we expect things to brake, or fall apart. We anticipate what we have been taught through the things that surround us. Maybe that's why I love the hunt of old things, maybe that's why history appeals to be so, because it really does become a treasure hunt; searching for that one of a kind something that links me to history.   

Wednesday 2 January 2013

New year!

They say how you spend your New Years is how your year will be... in which case I can expect a year of very mild excitement.   My new years eve was not my typical, get dressed to the nines and go out dancing kind of experience.   This year I opted for a night in.  This, although it seemed exceptionally lame during the course of the evening, was made acceptable when I joined with the 1% of the population that was joyous and well on New Years Day. This decision to abstain from alcohol allowed me to reconnect with a past love: Snowboarding.   

I joined forces with my sister and her husband to tear up the slops of our local mountain.   I haven't been on a snowboard in years so I was relieved to discover that my body still knew how to manage a board and the snowy hills.  The experience, though freezing cold, was one I wouldn't trade. That day I not only was comforted to know I still had the ability to make it down a mountain in one piece but on a more sensitive note, I saw first hand what love looks like in the form of my newly wedded sister and brother in law. 

I watched as my B.I.L patiently taught my sister ways to maneuver the board strapped to her feet.   Each time she made achievements he would encourage and cheer her on.   He never complained when she asked him to climb back up the hill to push her past the long flat section.   He just jumped upwards, board strapped to his feet and willingly helped her.  

I realised that love isn't a one size fits all.  Which seems like an obvious statement, but for me I assumed it always revealed itself in the same ways for everyone.  Love is a unique form of expression for each person, and relationships are a bit like a mathematical equation, each person representing a number and together creating a different sum.  Again an obvious statement, but for me these realizations have started to shade in the sketch of the person I am looking for.

Finding the right person I believe is a lot like thrift store shopping.  In a sea of unique pieces, and odd items are hidden treasures. Not always what you are looking for exactly but they make you feel great and rewarded.   Because really aren't we all wore down or missing a button, stained a little or just a bit outdated?   And yet we all have someone out there that will love us in whatever form we are in.   

These realizations came to me as my toes defrosted, and the feeling returned to my fingers.   I was ill prepared for my trek up the mountain. And if I could do it again, but as a millionaire I would be equipped with.....
CANADA DOWN JACKET and gloves.  Uh.  This would have made snowboarding that much more fun, and the gloves are like wearing a pillow on your hands. They are Ah.Mazing.

Wool Socks - keeps the toes warm (really important for an enjoyable experience)
A Warm Tuque - frozen ears, not so fun.
Sorrels would have been awesome up the mountain, my rubber hunters just didn't cut it. 
and a backpack to put my hand warmers and snack. 

Untitled #6

Happy Skiing/Snowboarding/Snowshoeing/ Snow watching...?

Tuesday 1 January 2013

The value of investing

One thing I've learned over the years is the importance of investing in basics.   I made the mistake of spending countless dollars on 5 dollar tee shirts, that fit terribly to begin with then when you accidentally wash them they come out misshaped and 3 sizes too small.  Had I spent the $30+ dollars on a well made basic tee shirt I would have probably saved myself money in the long run.   [I have however discovered stores like Winners often will have higher end tee shirts for $20. ] 


This rule also should apply to denim. I always find myself regretting my $40 dollar pair. (Though initially I revel in the thought-to-be good deal.)   INVEST INVEST INVEST!  I have learn the importance of investing in denim that will last.   I bough a pair of BCBG jeans 4 years ago, and I am still wearing them.  The $40 jeans, now have holes where there shouldn't be holes though purchased 4 months ago. The moral of the story is you get what you pay for.  In the past I have had a little success finding designer names in second hand stores. Rule number three is important when looking for well made denim. (Know your luxury brands) 

investment denim

Happy Hunting