Friday 31 May 2013

a stylin' summer: RE-purposing

Repurposed 1
You know that feeling, when you wake up and without looking out the window you just know its cloudy outside?  For west coaster's its our 5th sense; we can sense the weather.  (Insert Mean Girls quote)
Sometimes the grey and endless canopy of clouds dulls our senses a little bit, so to awaken the summer senses I've compiled a few looks for the summer months.  I needed a little inspiration myself so I sifted through my closet for some...
 Re-purposing things in my closet such as my BCBG maxi skirt, and a bandeau, a shear collared shirt and demin shorts = bathing suit cover or
This is actually a bcbg maxi skirt I thrifted at V V boutique, I belted et voila, its a dress!

 + my JOE demin shirt.

H&M Skirt and a bandeau.   Rhianna-esque. 

Thrifted button up top- its a pseudo cropped.

This shirt I found second hand,
and turned it around so the buttons are in the back.
Happy re-purposing!  :)


Thursday 23 May 2013

The Pretty Much a Fairytale Fairytale

 "You may wear whatever you would like ..."
Words I never thought I'd hear from a retailer, I felt as though I had stepped into a fairy tale.    

This is what happens when you have friends that make things happen.    I have one such friend. She is the epitome of a powerhouse woman.   She has dreams, and she conquers them.  She has goals and she sees them through.  This woman attracts people that share her powerhouse woman status, and because of them and their hard work, the night of  "For the Love of Opera" could happen.

On Sunday I was a part of a fundraiser fashion show/ concert gala.  I was both a model and a performer... I volunteered for this position not realizing all the perks that would follow.   Sunday arrived and after a short hour of run through I was whisked away with the other 7 models to get our hair done.   Arriving at the salon we were greeted by style savvy stylists that sat us down on chairs and began the transformation process.   My poker straight - still wet from my morning shower - hair was bubble wand-ed and braided to create the best up-do I have personally ever had.   It appeared as though the process of braiding, curling and up-doing was effortless for my voila!  I was finished in what seemed like less than an hour!  

For a short period after that, the day took on a leisurely quality.   We sat and chatted over coffee while we waited for the next appointment.  We fortunate enough to have had our makeup done for us.   (the whole day I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming) 

With the makeup set and lashes in place we left for the venue.    The morning practice of walking the runway brought out my inner goof to compensate for how incredible out of place I felt... but for the real thing I had to zone in and focus otherwise I would have been laughing hysterically all the way done the red carpet runway.   For the 20 minutes of walking, I felt like a super model- despite my 5'5'frame and probably uber-dork expression.   This day made me wish I could add a few more inches to my height.    I loved feeling pampered and enjoyed the rush of being rushed to get the clothes on in between struttin' my stuff. 

The night didn't stop there, oh no!   After the fashion show, the dress that I picked when they said,"you may wear whatever you like" was waiting for me.  I got about 2 glorious hours in a gorgeous "borrowed" gown.  This part made me feel like I had swapped bodies with a celebrity, or jumped in to Cinderella. 

The night was a huge success, and will forever be imprinted in my mind as the day I stepped into a fairytale.   Well, now that I think about it... in order for it to be a fairytale I guess there would have to be a prince charming.    hmm... maybe one.   For now it will be the "pretty much a fairytale fairytale


Monday 13 May 2013

Move in Monday

Moving is exhausting, and revealing.   This move has illustrated the pack horse that I am. (I think I actually am a recovering hoarder!)  Only I hoard pictures, cards, notes (That date back as far as 1998) and random keepsakes that I, at one time thought were special.   Now, some 15 years later I can't seem to recall what was so special about those green plastic glasses, or the wind up frog.  I have stock piled memories like it was going out of style.   I wonder why I can't part with things that in the grand scheme of things don't really matter.  I wonder if it is because all the random pieces and paper add up to different seasons in my life, and in a way they embody or represent a younger me. My mom says it is because I am sentimental.  I guess she is right.  Like the Tee-shirts from high school that had to be pried out of my hands at the donation bin, or the jeans that in an ideal world I would have worn to shreds, I hold on to old things with hope. Hope of another season of bliss in that Tee-shirt, or that the skirt I wore when I was 19 and 10lbs lighter will fit again, or that somehow the memorabilia in those boxes will help me relive my youth...

Yes, I got all that from moving 4 hours inland. 

I am 80% unpacked and 60% organized.   I still have about 12 boxes to sift through... the journey has just begun...  

Happy Monday.  

Sunday 12 May 2013

moving (on) day

Today snuck up on me.  I thought I had far more time to savour the way things were before things changed completely. But here I am, sitting in bed in my old room, back in my old town, in my old house thinking about how much has changed since the good ol' days.   This diversion of the norm has not been easy.  I was strong this morning as I sat through my last official sermon at my favorite church, strong as I hugged my favorite people goodbye despite the tears I really wanted to cry.  When I forced myself to drive away from my favorite townhouse, that housed my favorite roommates and my favorite memories I was strong until I was sure no one could see me and then I couldn't hold in my sadness anymore.  I cried like a toddler that had its favorite plaything taken away.   This life of mine in the Lower Mainland wasn't taken away though, it was a choice I made to move forward and now...  I hurt because of it.  I am choosing to see the hurt as growing pains though because nothing worth while comes easily. 

Saturday 11 May 2013

California here we come

This last week was filled to the brim with adventures and hours in the car.    I was fortunate enough to be included on a road-trip with one of my besties and her mom.   Together we roamed the Californian country side making our way up from Palm Springs back to Canada.   The adventure revealed a couple things to me... 

One: I am a California girl at heart.  The coastline took my breath away, and almost made me want to hide from my ride and live the beach bum life.   This desire was solidified when at our first beach stop we saw a pod of dolphins swimming past the stand up paddle boarders in front of us.  My conscience got the better of me, and I hopped right back in the car.
Two:  I realised how much land there is in California that is still untouched.   I assumed that California through out would be scathed with hordes of people, much like LA.   I was pleasantly surprised to see that it wasn't.   A couple hours north of LA, reveals a much  more laid back lifestyle than that of the LA-ers. 
Realisation number Three: The second day in Palm Spring it became quite apparent that despite the lack of sunshine it was still possible to burn to the point of resembling a lobster.    Somehow during our mini-vacation in the desert, we managed to swap weather with the lower mainland; we had the mild, windy, grey skies, while BC had the sunshine and the summer like heat.    This swap in weather made me assume little probability of a burn.  I was way off in that assumption.  
Four:   I cannot for the life of me shop under pressure.    I wish I could, I really do!    I may have felt a little pressure, (more than likely put there by moi.) And then BOOM!   I can't shop.   I will look around in a whirlwind searching for the killer deals that I just know are out there....annnnd  85% of the time I will come out empty handed, because I waited for the "steal of a deal."    I am very methodical and analytical when it comes to shopping now.  I think it stems from my poor student status, so I should feel to badly about it.   But I have tried to train myself to know a deal when I see one, and I saw a few on this trip, and I didn't accept them!    Le Sigh, it is a lesson I needed to learn.   Sometimes there is just no point to waiting from something better to come around, because something better might but it will cost you.
Five:   You know those jumping photos, where people are jumping in the photo?    Those are hard to master!     Maybe it has to do with my ancient camera that has been dropped one too many times, or maybe they are just really hard to coordinate!    My dear friend and I attempted to take a "jumping photo" at every stop on our journey. For the most part we accomplished that goal at the expense of at least 50 trial run photos.   

I would recommend a California Adventure to anyone who A. Likes shopping B. Likes movie stars C. Likes sunshine D. Likes the ocean E. Likes beautiful landscapes or F. Likes anything because California literally has a little bit of everything 

In addition I would recommend at least 24 hours at each stop.  We were on a tight schedule which didn't allow a lot of time for anything unplanned.  

Happy California dreaming. 

Thursday 2 May 2013

My Dear Mr. Watson

Lets talk about men for a moment.    I would say that approximately 9/10 men these days roll out of bed and throw whatever is most comfortable on, even if the T-shirt has been worn 4 days in a row.  I also would say that 86% of all statistics are made up on the spot.    Regardless, men's fashion is (at least in this hemisphere) highly disregarded, and underrated.  

This part of my entry may seem misplaced, but I promise it will tie into my first statement, so bare with me. This last week I have spent approximately 12 hours glued to my computers screen.   I have always loved a good mystery, as a girl I read through every Nancy Drew novel I could get a hold of wishing I too could solve mysteries fearlessly.  Now that I am all grown up, I have discovered a new method of getting my mystery fix... SHERLOCK.  Promoted from a mere watcher to a full blown fan in less than a week I cannot get enough of Sherlock's character.  He makes me feel completely inferior intellectually speaking, and I love it.   I devour the English humor, and the stories that keep twisting and wringing the conscious to attempt to calculate as quickly as Mr. Holmes.    Aside from his astounding wit, chiselled cheekbones and sly smile, he also has mastered men's debonair style.   I would argue that there isn't an existing scene where he does not look put together and handsome, even in his pajamas and house-coat he pull the handsome genius thing off.  

My favorite piece of his wardrobe is his coat.    (ahhhhh.....drooool.)   When the collar is popped my heart starts racing.  Just such a great coat, it is masculine and dignified looking.   It says,  "I am a soooooo... suave."

"Dr. JOHN WATSON: Don't do that  Sherlock: Do what?  Watson: The look  Sherlock: Look?  Watson: You are doing the look again  Sherlock: I can't see it can I? It's my face  Watson: Yes and it's doing a thing. You are doing a "we both know what's going on here" face  Sherlock: We do  Watson: No, I don't. which is why I find the face so annoying"  Sherlock, The Reichenbach Fall.

The other element that makes him a suave specimen of a man, is he has beautiful tailored suits, and leather shoes.   AH!  Two things that seem foreign to a lot of men.  Not all, but a lot.  

My point in all this, is that Sherlock Holmes has great style to make up for his often obtrusive personality.   He is a consulting detective and still takes pride in his appearance.  Watson should not be excluded from this discussion, he will receive an honorable mention for casual comfy style that still implies effort. I wish more men would take a page out of there book... it would do the world good.   

Happy watching Sherlock.  <3Sherlock: I've got a blanket!

Happy watching Sherlock... Do it!   You wont regret it, not even for a second.     <3

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Pepperwood Princesses

Like all good things, this chapter of life is coming to an end.  We can try and squeeze every last ounce of goodness out of it, or hold onto it tightly hoping it will never end, but time is beyond our control.   I have been so blessed to live with four amazing roommate, who have become more like sisters to me.  They have been the support system, accountability, best friends, family, mentors, comedic relief, kick in the pants, motivation and inspiration I have needed over the last two years.  

These four little walls of the Pepperwood Palace that shelters these relationships from the elements will be missed.  The inner workings of the house hold include our micro suede super-plush couch that doubles as a great alternate bed when the roommate is especially sick with a cold, or our bookshelves that house millions of words I'll never read but always liked to look at above our electric façade of a fireplace; these things will be missed.  I will miss the piano that has no right to be in the kitchen but there it defiantly sits waiting to share it's luck-lustre sounds with any ear within our unit. The dinner table with accompanying rock-hard chairs, will be missed for no other reason expect that it became our round table. A place where our breakfasts, dinners, discussions, prayers, laughter and silence often would take place.  There we would congregate after a long day and disclose the events of the day to one another.    I would wake up every morning, usually wishing for more sleep, and I would wearily walk myself up the stairs to be greeted by four beautiful and much more awake faces sitting around the table, eating and doing devotions.   I'd half heartedly create a subpar breakfast and join the conversation around our table.   Minutes would pass and then the day would begin, we'd each go our separate ways.  It is the time spent around the table with the Pepperwood Princesses that I will miss the most. 
Pepperwood is filled with pictures, and stories that reflect the various personalities within it:  Pink  chairs from a much earlier era, pictures of Europe, bookshelves filled with classics, Closets where outdoors jackets and hiking shoes wait, a floral box filled with nail polish strategically placed under the coffee table facing the box TV (that doesn't fit on the shelf so it has to sit on the floor.) Potted plants, and cactus dot our home with an essence of a green thumb, (or the desire for one ;) ) music books for the soprano voice, a fridge covered in photos and memorabilia are all things that make up this home.  

As we all move onto bigger and better things, its okay to look back and remember fondly the memories of Pepperwood.   This has been a time of growing and changing. Friendships will remain and will blossom when they are fed and watered.   It is my desire to pursue what isn't easy or readily accessible. These friendships are worth fighting for and have taken root and have shaped who we are today.   Yes, this is the end of a wonderful chapter in life, but it is also a challenge to continue to grow in the friendships established.  This has been a training ground, where we have learned to love one another through encouragement, accountability, being understanding and through support.   Now we get to put into practice these skills on new people that will come into our lives.  

Thank you Pepperwood for two wonderful years and the friendships that were established within your walls.