Monday 17 June 2013

a little musical food for thought

I watched as extremely well dress people filed in and crossed the foyer of the hotel I work at. I felt envious of the fact that they had an occasion to get dressed up for and wished I too could put on a pair of heels and do my hair for a glorious night out.   This used to be a weekly occurrence for me when "going out" was a novelty.   I have since lost my taste for bars and strong alcoholic drinks, and so my excuse for dressing up on a weekly basis too was lost.   Since that loss I have changed courses and have found myself heading towards a career path that allows me to grow a closet of gorgeous gowns and put on fake eyelashes on occasion.  

Last night I had the privilege to sing at a well attended recital event housed in an amazing venue here in the Okanagan.   The night was filled with ageless music and beautiful singing.  One of the many reasons I love to sing classically is for the excuse to dress up.   The formality of classical repertoire adds an allure for the audience and the performer. There is a reverence to tradition that occurs and is sadly slowly being phased out of society is would seem.

As society evolves our expectations of music and performance change also.  We now expect music to be easy to understand, and a sensory experience when watching a performance.   Popular music has digressed from a high art that conveyed human emotion and musical aptitude to a highly diluted form of something like music.  I feel it is vital for the well being of North American society to protect and cherish these timeless works and this priceless form of expression.  Visual art finds its way to a museum or art gallery for preservation... but where does classical music go?   It must continue to be played or sung and the love of it passed down to younger generations that are more often than not, even exposed to it.  Classical music reveals so much of the human spirit and the ability to create something that resounds deeper and touches a part of humanity that sights alone cannot touch.

If you have never experienced the symphony, or an opera, I highly recommend buying tickets and seeing a performance live.   I believe there is a stigma around this genre that this music is only enjoyed by old prudes. That assumption is just not accurate. I believe the classical world will change to incorporate the younger generations, but first it is vital to protect this timeless music and soul satisfying art!
This duet is by far one of the most beautiful pieces of music.   Feast your ears! 

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