Sunday 9 June 2013


The urge to travel abroad and or have one or many adventures as soon as possible. At times uncontrollable jealousy of world travellers occurs, often accompanied by a lack of interest in current situations. Sufferers of travelcitis experience little relief of symptoms, even when travelling outside of hometown or current living area.  It is recommended to avoid prolonged abstinence from travelling as symptoms will likely get worse with time. 

My travelcitis is flaring up again.   Talk of travel has been buzzing around me non-stop for months.   My sister and brother-in-law are currently adventuring in Europe, experiencing all the fine things that the U.K can offer... meanwhile, back in Canada, I haven't left home and I am green with envy and travelcitis.   The lack of me in Europe causes me pain.   I have wanted to travel to anywhere in Europe for as long as I can remember, and sought to get myself there straight out of high school.  That dream still hasn't happened, and is making my decision to finish my degree A.S.A.P more difficult to stick to.  

Since my bank account is still starving, and I can't bank on buying a winning lottery ticket, I have decided to get my "adventure kicks" from somewhere more-- local and short term.  In order to do that successfully, as transformation into a "YES woman" is necessary. 

Be prepared for any day-adventure at any given time...  AKA.  
* Have a bathing suit and towel ready to go in the car, with a bottle of water, book and sunscreen.  
* Put $30 dollars aside a week to do something physical and outdoors - Stand up paddle-boarding, Kayaking, mountain biking etc.
* Have a camera on hand - adventures should be documented.
* Embrace getting lost.
* Have something warm to wear in the event that the adventure goes late into the night.

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