Monday 10 June 2013

Day-Adventures 102

Day-Adventures 102

In the summer months time seems to accelerate despite the days being longer. What a paradox. So to maximize the summer lovin' potential I'm starting to compile a list of fun, relatively easy things to do that take advantage of warm weather and the glorious summer months. 

#1 All day road trip -
Pick a spot 3-4 hours away, wake up early, grab a coffee and drive to desired location, and heck! if you had this sweet camper your adventure could be days long! 

#2 Adventure picnic -
Go explore in the wilderness, prepared with a delicious picnic lunch, and some good hiking shoes.

#3 Get "lost" down an old dirt road.  (Maybe have a GPS handy juuuust in case.)

#4 If you are close enough, drive to the ocean... even just to inhale the salty sea air.

#5 Have a campfire.  Make s'mores and sing campfire songs. 

#6 Have a BBQ and dress up the back yard or porch in twinkle lights to add ambiance.

#7 Plan a game day.   I hear some people like to play games with balls.  This is a bit of a foreign concept for me as I have zero ability to play any and all ball sports.  (Sadly) But it is fun and virtually free! 

There you go.   A few ideas to add some spice to life.   What do you do to shake out of routine and satisfy the need for adventure? 

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